Fiber Availability
We're fully invested in the communities we serve. Working closely with municipalities to identify goals and opportunities, we talk with residents to understand their needs, and develop fiber solutions that work.
South Portland
Developed in partnership with the City of South Portland and Southern Maine Community College, our South Portland Fiber network is ten miles long - and growing - offering world-class internet speeds to area business and residential customers. Consistent with GWI’s open-access philosophy, the network offers fair access to other internet providers, encouraging competition and network growth.
In 2018, the Town of Brunswick contracted GWI to build an ultra-high speed fiber optic network, connecting the Town’s municipal locations and creating a Wide Area Network (WAN) with superb reliability. The relationship enabled the Town of Brunswick to upgrade their services while saving money with the possibility of network growth in the future.

Fulfilling a relationship that began with a collective effort spearheaded by Islesboro residents, GWI brought world-class, high-speed fiber to each of the island’s 600+ households and businesses. Funded by a $3.8 million bond, the town retained GWI for network design, connection architecture and necessary review and acceptance testing. The network was completed in 2018 and GWI now serves as the internet service provider (ISP) and network operator.

The City of Sanford’s 32-mile end-to-end fiber network connects community anchor institutions and municipal buildings with ultra high-speed fiber. Spurred by the city’s collective commitment to future-friendly infrastructure, the network is currently focused on business connectivity. GWI serves as the network operator and internet service provider, helping Sanford realize its vision for sustained growth.
Building Maine’s fiber future.
Revolutionary change starts small - and grows exponentially. Explore the communities currently served by GWI Fiber, and join us as we work collectively to bring Maine into the fiber future.
For the people of Maine, universal access to reliable, high-speed internet is vital. Working in partnership with municipalities, we’re helping to design and buildthe infrastructure necessaryfor businesses to thrive, and for individuals to work remotely, access information and engage with an ever-expanding universe of digital-enabled entertainment, healthcare, education and career opportunity.